Parent Information – FAQ
Wylie Youth Football and Cheer (WYFAC) plays our fall league season in the TYFA Texas Youth Football Association. We are guaranteed at least 4 home games. Other games are to be played in the Midland, Odessa and Lubbock area.
We have BOTH flag and tackle divisions
Flag Groups:
Flag(5U) – Age 4/5 on or before 07/31/2025
Tackle Groups:
Tykes (7U) – Age 6/7 on or before 07/31/2025
Rookies (9U) – Age 8/9 on or before 07/31/2025
Juniors (11U) – Age 10/11 on or before 07/31/2025
*2025 League Fees Are:
- Flag = $200.00 each child
- Tackle = $200.00 each child
- Cheer = $250.00 each child
*All players and cheerleaders must participate in the WYFAC Fundraiser. Each player will be responsible for selling at least (10) raffle tickets valued at $10.00 per ticket. If you do not sell your tickets, you are responsible to purchase them.
It is recommended that your child have a yearly physical, especially while competing in a full contact sport, but it is not required.
- For the WYFAC portion of registration, you will need to complete the registration form found at our registration link and submit payment.
- For the TYFA portion of registration, you will need to complete an online registration, upload your athlete’s Birth Certificate, Texas State ID or Government Issued ID, current report card, and photo headshot. You will receive instructions when this step is ready to be completed.
No. WYFAC provides Riddell helmets and Schutt shoulder pads and game jersey and game pants. At the end of the season each player will keep game jersey and game pants and return all other WYFAC owned equipment which includes the helmet and shoulder pads.
You can use your own shoulder pads and helmet, but they must be inspected for play by our equipment manager prior to use and must be the exact same color match as the WYFAC helmets according to TYFA rules. If items pass inspection and are approved for use, you will have to sign a waiver stating you are using your own helmet and shoulder pads. We suggest you use WYFAC gear.
All of our coaches are 100% un-paid parent volunteers that are subject to annual criminal background checks and are REQUIRED to be certified by USA Football with the most up-to-date standards of competitive practice and play. This annual background check applies to all Board Members, Head Football Coaches, Assistant Football Coaches, Cheer Coaches and all other volunteers for both football and cheer.
The WYFAC Board reserves the right to accept or reject any application received to coach or volunteer in any role within our non-profit on an annual basis. WYFAC Board members reserve the right to suspend or eject any coach, volunteer or parent at any time for any action or actions deemed detrimental to a child, the organization, the league or TYFA, or deemed a violation of our Code of Conduct agreements signed when applying to coach or volunteer or when placing membership within WYFAC by signing your child up to play in our organization.
Practice starts late July. We practice three days a week on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 6-8pm each night. Our games will be played on Saturday’s unless postponed due to weather or other league conflict.
Some teams may begin optional conditioning in June. All players within a team are highly encouraged to participate, but not required.
We use practice fields graciously provided to us by Wylie ISD. Due to some construction projects in the district, we are unsure of the locations for the 2025 season at this time. Exact locations for each team will be announced in July.
We request “home” games be played at the Wylie’s Hugh Sandifer Stadium but must coordinate those dates with the Athletic Department Office. Those Wylie Stadium dates are at the sole discretion of the Athletic Department at their convenience and based on their overall Fall 2025 UIL schedule of events. Keep in mind we are an organization considered to be “outside” Wylie ISD, so we are NOT guaranteed to play ANY games at Wylie Stadium each year. We appreciate the generosity of the School District and Athletic Department in allowing us access to all practice and gameday facilities and must continue to be good stewards of those resources each year that they graciously grant our organization to use. WYFAC appreciates in advance your help in understanding this stewardship responsibility we have to the school district in order to allow this opportunity to continue for our future WYFAC Bulldogs. Our “away” games will be played on the road in the Midland, Odessa and Lubbock areas.
No. The WYFAC Board selects, approves and oversees all coaches. The WYFAC Board has the authority to annually accept or reject any coach or volunteer application. All coaches or volunteers must pass a thorough background check annually by an outside third-party reporting agency which includes checks from a national database for any prior criminal activity, felonies, sexual misconduct, or other convictions. All team coaching and player assignments are made based solely on fit as determined by the WYFAC Board.
Age schematics are used to place players according to TYFA rules and regulations.
No. TYFA has no weight restrictions on players or ball carrier weight restrictions for any age division. We play full-contact … full-speed … tackle football. If you are concerned about the safety of your child playing full-contact tackle football, we suggest you seek out a WYFAC Board member to discuss the realities of the speed, size and talent level found in TYFA.
Once uniforms are ordered, NO REFUNDS will be granted for ANY REASON. Uniforms are typically ordered in May. No refunds or partial refunds will be granted at any time through the season if you choose to quit the program for any reason.
It takes approximately 75 adult volunteers each year to run our organization effectively. We appreciate parents who want to get involved in their kids lives by rolling up their sleeves and investing time, energy and money into our kids lives instead of just criticizing from the armchair. To be part of the solution, please complete the Volunteer Application in the Registrations section of this website. The WYFAC Board has the authority to approve or reject any coach or volunteer application. All coaches must be approved annually by the WYFAC Board and the Coaching Coordinator and pass a nationwide background check. We do need all the help we can get from good people who are interested in working well with other adults, to help create a positive environment for ALL our kids. We have anywhere between 150-200+ kids each year in the various squads and age groups in WYFAC.
We are structured as a non-profit organization registered in the State of Texas. Our financial transaction record is transparently available to review at any time. These records are maintained by our WYFAC Treasurer. Please feel free to request a copy and review and if you have any further question about any entry, do not hesitate to contact our Treasurer or another WYFAC Board member as we’d be happy to discuss a specific question about our annual expenses or fee structure.
Our operating funds are held at a local bank and are generated through membership fees, gate fees, raffle ticket sales and sponsorships. The only two signatories on the WYFAC bank account are the WYFAC Treasurer and the WYFAC Vice President.
No. Not while the practice is ongoing or there are games are being played. The only individuals allowed on the fields are Board members and approved coaches who have been background checked and display the league approved picture badge. All other spectators are asked to stay off the field and sidelines during the games and practices. WYFAC does have the authority to close practices and games to all spectators. Please do not interrupt coaches during practice times and reserve any questions or comments to your coach before or after practice which would include any concerns so they can maximize their time each week training the kids during normal practice times. The fields we practice on are owned by Wylie ISD and contracted through an arrangement with WYFAC Board members. WYFAC Board members have the authority and reserve the right to allow or restrict access to these fields to anyone for any reason deemed detrimental to the children or the league.
There are multiple UIL sanctioned and credentialed officials who work our games that are members of the local TASO officiating chapter. These officials are paid by us for home games. These are also the referee’s that judge all middle school, high school and local collegiate football games in the Big Country and Permian Basin and Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
All flag and tackle games are officiated using the current UIL standards of play for Texas Junior High and High School play. Typically, there are a minimum of two officials for flag games and a minimum of three officials for each tackle game. They do adhere to those most current UIL rules and have a keen eye for safety of all the children at the various levels of play.
Protection and safety of the kids is paramount in the Texas Youth Football Association as all coaches are to instruct using Heads-Up football techniques and REQUIRED to be USA football certified. Initiating blocks below the waist, horse-collars, going after knees, targeting players and any helmet-to-helmet initialed contact are disallowed and called as personal fouls by our officiating crews.